Friday, August 12, 2011

The value of a thick skin

I am emotionally attached to my callouses. When I look at my left hand and see the indentations and tough skin on the fingertips I know I have paid my dues. Hours and hours and more hours of dues. The callouses represent to me the better part of my character, the part of me that doesn't give up, the part of me that is persistent in striving for something better, something more beautiful.  My callouses protect me from pain while I perform my music. They have been with me from childhood, born of repeated pressure of tender skin against tempered string. My callouses have produced a million notes in my lifetime. It is my sincere hope that they produce a million more.

Don't have your own callouses yet? Take heart! Here is a link to a great article on how to deal with the pain of learing to play the guitar while developing your callouses. May you play a million notes ; )

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